Energy Healing

Our body is always talking to us - if only we take the time to listen..

Energy Healing is not about treating a symptom, it is to illuminate and heal the cause of the pain and for that we need to go within ourselves to where the process began, let the memory of the body speak to you, not the thinking mind.

What Is 'Energy Healing' ?

  • Energy Healing – The connection of Mind and Body – reconnecting the fragmented parts of us and healing the broken spaces in between to become “Whole”.

  • Energy Healing is unlocking frozen energetic patterns from past events that get trapped within the body that play themselves out with intrusive images, thoughts, tension, panic, pain, exhaustion and unpleasant bodily sensations.

  • Energy healing is not about coping with symptoms, it is about healing. It’s about helping individuals to recover their whole self, and to get their lives back.

Energy Healing is the catalyst to open up the pathways to Self Healing.

The Body is a map of every experience we ever had and the body stores trauma on a cellular level thereby keeping us stuck in the past. We can go years and even decades without realising that we have trapped emotions or where they stem from.

The Body is a mirror of our internal thoughts, emotions and beliefs. Every cell responds to every emotion you repress, every single thought you think and every word you speak, those repetitive modes of negative thinking and speaking produce bodily behaviours and postures, leading to muscle tension, pain, suffering and eventually illness.

Energy Healing & Overcoming Trauma

Energy Healing with Trauma Therapy is empowering – going deeper into our wounds – it differs a lot from “traditional” therapy in the sense that it is less about thinking and talking, and more about doing and experiencing.

When trauma remains unresolved in our unconscious mind, there is a repetitive cycle of stress, distress, and dis-regulation that gives rise to depression, anxiety, panic attacks, dissociation, low self-esteem, ongoing relationship and interpersonal difficulties – all common issues that bring clients into therapy.
Traumatic symptoms are not caused by the triggering event itself. They stem from the frozen residue of energy that had not been resolved or discharged.

This residue remains trapped in the nervous system where It can wreak havoc on our bodies and spirits.

Once expressed the body can find calm.

You Will Learn:
The body always leads us home..

Until you work with releasing trauma from the body it will remain locked in the body reflecting your internal state and will serve to sustain it until you move forward.

Releasing inner energy leads to:

Practicing Spirituality >>

Incorporating energy healing into therapy helps with unlocking or processing the traumatic memories via the body, releasing them from being trapped in your system.

When the traumatic memory is reintegrated in the mind, the brain can begin to heal.

For over ten years my Spiritual Path has led me on a global journey to work alongside and, be mentored by four, very gifted healers and teachers in Bali, America and here in the UK. Our spiritual journeys are always ongoing so I take pride in always looking to improve the work I do and ensure my clients find the healing they need.

Get In Touch

I respect that for many it takes courage to pick up the phone or drop me a line as It’s actually a bit anxiety-inducing to reach out to a therapist.

You have so many unspoken questions, that’s why I offer a free consultation.

You have already taken the first step, by contacting me you keep moving forward, let me support you with the rest.


Get In Touch

I respect that for many it takes courage to pick up the phone or drop me a line as It’s actually a bit anxiety-inducing to reach out to a therapist.

You have so many unspoken questions, that’s why I offer a free consultation.

You have already taken the first step, by contacting me you keep moving forward, let me support you with the rest.
