Understand Emotions

Our thinking shapes and determines the emotions we feel and what we want and desire.

Emotional Self-Awareness is the ability to understand our own emotions and their effects on life. We know what we are feeling and why—and how it supports or hurts what we are trying to do.

Emotions Are Part of Being Human

Think of emotions as waves of energy that flow through our bodies and communicate to us. We are built to feel a full spectrum of core emotions such as, anger, fear, joy, sadness, excitement, sexual excitement and disgust.

These core emotions help us understand, connect, and communicate with others as well as ourselves.

Emotions help us understand whether we should flee from danger, stand up for ourselves, or give someone a hug.

Yet all too often we complicate the emotional situations by applying mental energy in the form of analysis when all we really need is to acknowledge their presence. When we simply allow ourselves to fully feel our feelings as they come, we tend to let them go easily, this way will save us much distress further down the road.

This is all we are required to do; our feelings simply want to be felt.

Unfortunately, over the years, many humans have been taught to believe that emotions are the enemy and that they need to be tamed, pushed down, numbed, or controlled.

It can take great courage to really sit with our feelings, allowing ourselves to surrender to their powerful energies. All too often we set our feelings aside, thinking we will deal with them later, or they are sidelined into a box.

Unexpressed emotions affect our behaviour, our thought process and the way our body internally reacts and feels.

The more we pile up and ignore our feelings, the more overwhelming it can seem to actually feel them. This could also lead to unhealthy behaviours, such as turning to alcohol, drugs, sex, gambling, or turning to food to numb out.

Denying what our bodies want to feel can lead to trouble now or down the line, which is why being in the thick of our feelings, no matter how scary it seems, is really the best thing we can do for ourselves.

The deeper purpose of our feelings is to transform the terrain of our inner world, sometimes creating space for more feelings to flow, sometimes providing sustenance for growth. All we need to do is allow the process by relaxing, opening, and receiving the bounty of our emotions.

Gain the understanding to these frequently asked questions:

Understanding emotion leads to:

Unlocking Energy>>

The 4th key component to Heal your Mind – Heal your Body. Developing the awareness of feeling our emotions and the connection between mind and body — will lead you to the awareness of the impact this has on our physical health.

For over ten years my Spiritual Path has led me on a global journey to work alongside and, be mentored by four, very gifted healers and teachers in Bali, America and here in the UK. Our spiritual journeys are always ongoing so I take pride in always looking to improve the work I do and ensure my clients find the healing they need.

Get In Touch

I respect that for many it takes courage to pick up the phone or drop me a line as It’s actually a bit anxiety-inducing to reach out to a therapist.

You have so many unspoken questions, that’s why I offer a free consultation.

You have already taken the first step, by contacting me you keep moving forward, let me support you with the rest.


Get In Touch

I respect that for many it takes courage to pick up the phone or drop me a line as It’s actually a bit anxiety-inducing to reach out to a therapist.

You have so many unspoken questions, that’s why I offer a free consultation.

You have already taken the first step, by contacting me you keep moving forward, let me support you with the rest.
